AI for Gmail.

EmailGenius uses AI to help you write emails. It’s free, safe, and powerful.

🚀  Free and Fast

Seamless integration with Gmail. No payment required.

🔐  Safe and Private

EmailGenius doesn’t access your emails or sensitive personal data.

🤓  Smart and Capable

Use the latest AI models to get more done.




Get started

Start quickly

Generate 50 free messages

Safe and open source



Get started

$5 monthly

Cancel anytime

Generate 1000 messages each month

Use across multiple Gmail accounts

Early access to new features

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

It‘s designed to be a helpful assistant. You can use it to do things like write a first draft, come up with ideas, add information from outside sources, find the right tone, handle hard conversations, and more. Just type your instructions in the box.

How do I install it?

EmailGenius is a Chrome extension that works with Gmail. To install it, go to the Chrome Web Store and click the “Add to Chrome” button. Then, open Gmail in a new tab and start writing an email.

Does it work for Outlook or other email platforms?

Right now, it only works for Gmail.

Does EmailGenius read my emails?

No. It doesn’t access, store, or transmit your emails or other sensitive personal data. For details, see the Privacy Policy.

How can I trust that you don’t read my emails?

The code for the EmailGenius Chrome extension is open source and published on Github.

How do I request a feature or report a bug?

Email or open an issue on Github.

Does it work for languages other than English?

Yes! Just tell it the language you want to use. For example: “Write a birthday greeting in French.”

Can I customize the writing style?

Yes—you can give detailed instructions about tone and style, like: “Make it professional and respectful, but not too formal.”

Can I use my own OpenAI API key?

Not yet, but that feature is coming soon.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Email from the email address associated with your account.



Questions or feedback? Email

Built by @morninj.